You work hard for your money. Make sure that you're getting the most from it. Individuals, small businesses, and medium-sized businesses from all over the city depend on us to help them succeed financially. As a full-service tax firm in Chicago, IL, we specialize in helping businesses with fewer than 30 employees. We're dedicated to supporting the hardworking owners and entrepreneurs of our area. Our financial and IRS withholding calculators help people manage their expenses accordingly. Contact our office anytime—we're always ready to help.
Petty's Accounting & Tax Service has served the people and businesses with tax preparation services in Chicago, IL, since 2007. We've built a reputation as an accurate, efficient, and state-of-the-art accounting firm with fair, competitive prices. Our full-service tax firm participates annually in continuing professional education courses presented by national accounting and tax associations to stay on the leading edge of ever-changing tax law and accounting methods. You can count on our expertise to provide you with accounting services you deserve.
Our chief accountant, Duane Petty, is an Enrolled Agent, a federally authorized tax professional with expertise in taxation. He is empowered by the US Department of the Treasury to represent taxpayers before all administrative levels of the IRS for audits, collections, and appeals. He also acts on behalf of taxpayers when resolving problems with the IRS or state taxing authorities. Duane has more than three decades of experience with tax preparation services. Under his leadership, our courteous staff of professionals looks forward to serving you.